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Healing Rooms in the Bradbury Community Cafe
вт, 14.01
|The Salvation Army Citadel
Healing for body and soul in the name of Jesus! Last week a man was instantly healed of arthritis in his knees and did a squat to prove it!
Registration is Closed
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Час и място
14.01.2020 г., 12:30 ч. – 15:00
The Salvation Army Citadel, 6 Ashley Rd, Bristol BS6 5RW, UK
За събитието
We are meeting in the Cafe in the Foyer of the main Salvation Army Buiding on Ashley Rd. (Not in the Salvation Army charity shop opposite) Anyone can just come! Every week people experience healing through an encounter with the Holy Spirit and receive freedom from emotional pain or addictions. A lady was recently healed of 10 incurable diseases in one visit to Healing Rooms! People are being healed of many pains and sicknesses. If you need healing, come and get it!
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