Healing Rooms Meeting
ср, 07.11
Please note that today's Healing Rooms shift outside Happytat has been cancelled on account of the weather conditions. If you need healing prayer, we will be at South Bristol Christian Centre in Bedminster on Thursday 8th November at 11.30-1.00 pm. Please call Dave on07900055392 for an appointment.

Час и място
07.11.2018 г., 12:30 ч. – 15:00
Happytat, Stokes Croft, Cheltenham Rd, Bristol, UK, BS1 3TP
За събитието
We are meeting outside Happytat to be as accessible as possible to people. ANYONE CAN JUST COME!! Every week people experience healing through an encounter with the Holy Spirit and receive freedom from emotional pain or addictions. A lady was recently healed of 10 incurable diseases in one visit to Healing Rooms! If you need healing, come and get it!